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Why donate to EHLG ?

Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganbara is committed to developing peasant farming, that respects farmers, consumers and nature. This is the only form of agriculture which is attractive to young people. Only this model can keep our rural territories alive. By making a donation to Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganbara, I support peasant farming in the Basque Country with the following aims:

– produce healthy, high-quality food from farms located throughout the Basque Country ;

– enable farmers to make a decent living from their work ;

– preserve tomorrow’s natural resources and the rural environment.


To make a donation, please fill in all the fields in the form below.

Your Donation
Choisissez votre moyen de paiement

Have you thought about making a donation in eusko ?

We offer you an online solution to make your donations in eusko. All you have to do is follow those 6 steps :
1. Log on to your online eusko account on www.euskalmoneta.org using your login and password.
2. Once connected, click on the « my transfers » tab
3. Click on « Beneficiary management », then on « New beneficiary »
4. Type in EHLG’s account number [362 051 132]
5. Now click on the « One-time transfer » tab, then fill in all 3 necessary details :
– In the “Beneficiary account” drop-down menu: select Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganbara
– Amount: enter the amount of your donation
– Description: enter your last and first name
6. Validate; your payment has been made, thank you!

Tax reduction (for those who pay taxes in France)

Our donation to EHLG entitles you to a tax reduction equal to 66 % of your donation amount, up to a limit of 20 % of your taxable income.

Corporate sponsorship

Corporate sponsorship entitles the donor to a tax reduction of 60% of the amount of the donation. This sponsorship can take the form of financial support, a material aid or a service. If you are a company and would like to support peasant farming in the Basque Country? Make a donation or call +33 5 59 37 18 82!

Full details : https://www.service-public.fr/professionnels-entreprises/vosdroits/F22263

How do my donations help ?

Your donations are essential to help us carry out or actions in defense of peasant farming in the Basque Country. They are directed to all of our activities of general interest such as: the renewal of agricultural generations, agroforestry, agronomy, mountain and pastoralism, etc.

How are your donations distributed ?
  • Agronomy
  • Agroforestery
  • Mountain / Pastoralism
  • Generational renewal in agriculture
  • Support of peasants' collectives
  • Economyc observatory
Have a look at our projects